
Tesla Cybertruck reach 200,000 orders within 72 hours

200,000 order with a average price of $5,6400 (7% single motor version, 42% are dual and 41% tri, not including full self driving) - That’s more than $11 Billion potential revenue within the first 72 hours. I know, the $100 refundable deposit is low enough that people can just throw in and think about it later, but it is still a remarkable number.

Anyway, the order number is not that important at this point. Apparently, there is “no demand” /s.

Nov. 24th, 2019, 12:04 PM: 187,000 Orders

Nov. 24th, 2019, 6:18 PM: 200,000 Orders

Estimated order numbers (extracted from the resevation numbers)